Now that I've started blogging I decided to throw my hat into the ring for TSQL Tuesday, hosted this month by Pat Wright aka SQLAsylum (Blog | Twitter) and the topic is Automation.
Recently, I needed to compile a listing of all the accounts that were running all of the SQL Server services in the environment. After throwing the manual option out the window and looking at a few other options I decided that PowerShell would provide the best solution. In my environment I have dedicated database that houses information I've collected about all of the servers. One of the tables just happens to contain a list of servers. Using PowerShell I'll scan through the list of servers and then run a WMI query against each to get the accounts for each SQL service on the server. Once I have the accounts and their associated services I then upload that information to a table in my database. From there the data can be exported or displayed via SSRS.
The code is pretty well documented so let's take a look at the script (download link at end of post).
# =======================================================================
# =======================================================================
#Initialize the SQL Environment
#Define Counter Variables
#Define the destination server and database names
$sqlsrv = "SQLSrv01"
$destdb = "SvcDB"
#Clean out the SvcInfo Table
$q = "delete LoadSvcInfo"
$reslist = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlsrv -Database $destdb -Query $q
Write-Host "Clean SvcInfo Table"
#Define the list server and database
$listsrv = "SQLSrv01"
$listdb = "ServerDB"
#Get server list
$q = "select distinct servername from ServerList order by servername"
$reslist = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $listsrv -Database $listdb -Query $q
$total = $reslist.length
foreach ($strSrv in $reslist){
#Increment Counter
#Display current server & count
Write-Host "Server: " $strSrv.ServerName " " $count " of " $total
#$m = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.WMI.ManagedComputer') $strSrv.ServerName
#Get Service Account Info
$colItems = gwmi win32_service -computer $strSrv.ServerName -property name, startname, caption | where {$_.Name -like "*SQL*"}
foreach($objItem in $colItems) {
#Send info to our database
$q = "insert [SvcDB].[dbo].[SvcInfo] (SrvName, SvcName, SvcCaption, SvcAcct) Values ("
$q = $q + "'" + [string]$strSrv.ServerName + "', "
$q = $q + "'" + [string]$ + "', "
$q = $q + "'" + [string]$objItem.caption + "', "
$q = $q + "'" + [string]$objItem.startname + "')"
$res = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlsrv -Database $destdb -Query $q
$colItems = gwmi win32_service -computer $strSrv.ServerName -property name, startname, caption | where {$_.Name -like "MSDTSServer*"}
foreach($objItem in $colItems) {
#Send info to our database
$q = "insert [SvcDB].[dbo].[SvcInfo] (SrvName, SvcName, SvcCaption, SvcAcct) Values ("
$q = $q + "'" + [string]$strSrv.ServerName + "', "
$q = $q + "'" + [string]$ + "', "
$q = $q + "'" + [string]$objItem.caption + "', "
$q = $q + "'" + [string]$objItem.startname + "')"
$res = invoke-sqlcmd -ServerInstance $sqlsrv -Database $destdb -Query $q
#$m = $null
Write-Host "DONE!"
# END OF SCRIPT: [ServiceAccounts]
Download Zip of ServiceAccounts Script
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